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Proiect Natura 2000


The main objectives of the project are related to an improvement of the conservative management of alpine habitats, particularly diverse in the Retezat Mountains which are representing one of the most valuable areas dedicated to nature protection in Romania, with an enormous relevance for the conservation of European common natural heritage.
On-site direct activities in order to halt some destructive processes are considered along with an extremely powerful campaign for the promotion of conservative concepts with a special emphasis on alpine habitats long-term preservation.

Actions and means involved:

Beneficiating from a considerable experience acquired during previous projects, the efforts for the conservation of the unique alpine habitats would incorporate a complete set of actions as follows:

  • Completion of the information regarding alpine habitats subsequent to a complete survey;
  • Creation of an up-dated database in accordance with the Natura 2000 system;
  • Proposal, assumption and implementation of an alpine habitats management plan, based upon a complex monitoring scheme;
  • Direct and indirect recovery of valuable alpine habitats;
  • Set-up of an informative centre in the Retezat National dedicated to alpine habitats conservation;
  • Set-up of a surveillence scheme;
  • Creation of a complex pattern GIS models of possible evolution of alpine habitats in relation with existing or theoretical impacts;
  • Conduct a comprehensive awareness campaign with a considerable national relevance including a mobile information unit for the promotion of alpine habitats conservation throughout Romania.

Expected results:

Subsequent to the project implementation, the whole target area of alpine habitats will be included in Natura 2000 Network.
A tailored Management Plan emphasizing alpine habitats conservative management will be proposed based upon scientific and objective up-to date on-site information.
Within the most difficult alpine conditions, there are expected to be directly recovered by re-forestation activities more then 3 ha of dwarf-pine habitats; about 3 ha of severe phenomena of soil creep will be stopped and approximately 130 ha of alpine habitats will be managed in order to be restored.
Important public awareness and informative materials will be produced, among them a dedicated monography on conservative management of alpine habitats, targeting a wide and better understanding of the enormous value of these unique areas.
A clear perspective on existing and future evolutionary tendencies of alpine habitats, based upon GIS generated models.
An overall raise of awareness of the population towards nature conservation as a whole, and towards alpine habitats preservation in a special manner, is expected.
Once returned to its traditional roots, an improved and durable use of alpine resources is expected, targeting long-term and intelligent use of existing natural resources and subsequent better utilization of currently underutilised resources and the development of controlled tourist practices.